Microfiber is a synthetic material split into very thin fibers for cleaning purposes. These fibers are 200 times thinner than human hair. This makes them much more absorbent. They can absorb seven times their weight in water.
Microfiber cloths dry fast, making it hard for bacteria to grow on them. Compared to cotton, they last a lot longer. They can be washed up to a thousand times before losing their effectiveness.
Microfiber is also 100% lint-free. They do not leave residue, smudges, or scratches on delicate surfaces.
Commercial cleaning companies can use microfiber cloths for almost every cleaning task. This includes surfaces, floors, windows, and dusting.
An essential use of microfiber towels for McLemore is to prevent cross-contamination. Our color-coded system stops the spreading of germs around facilities. We use different colors for restrooms, windows, and general cleaning. Using designated cloths to clean your bathrooms is essential so you are not tracking bacteria to the rest of your facility.
Since microfiber cloths are so absorbent and attract dirt and dust easily, it is crucial that you clean them after every use. You should also wash them separately from all other laundry. Its positive charge will attract dirt, hair, and lint from other laundry.
It is also essential to avoid using fabric softener and bleach when cleaning these cloths. Fabric softeners contain oils that will clog up the microfibers, making them less effective. Since they dry fast, it will shorten your laundry cycle.
Microfiber Cloths trap and lock dust, preventing contaminants from becoming airborne and avoiding cross-contamination. McLemore’s color-coded cleaning system quickly identifies general cleaning supplies from restroom cleaning or streak-free surfaces like glass and windows. Cross-contamination prevention is one reason we utilize a bucket-less mopping system with frequently changed and color-coded microfiber pads.
Contact us today to see how McLemore Building Maintenance will use microfiber cloths to clean your facility!
What’s so great about microfiber? chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://wspehsu.ucsf.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/FactSheet_Microfiber.pdf